- Time Day, Session, Location, Title, Authors
- 8:30a-5:00p Sunday, S08, A11, Introductory Babel for Massive Supercomputing Software Integration, Gary Kumfert, Thomas G. W. Epperly
- 8:30a-5:00p Monday, M05, A11, Component Software for High-Performance Computing: Using the Common Component Architecture, David E Bernholdt, Rob Armstrong, Gary Kumfert, Boyana Norris
- Time Day, Location, Title, Authors
- 10:30AM - 11AM, Wednesday, Nov. 14, A2/A5, The Ghost in the Machine: Observing the Effects of Kernel Operation on Parallel Application Performance, A. Nataraj, A. Morris, A. D. Malony, M. Sottile, P. Beckman
Note: Tech Program posters, not booth posters
- Time Day, Location, Title, Authors
- Time Day, Location, Title, Authors
- 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Tuesday, A9, Parallel Program Development Tools Users BOF, Bernd Mohr, Daniel Terpstra, and Sameer Shende
- 12:15pm - 1:15pm, Wednesday, A3/A4, Coordinated Fault Tolerance in High-end Computing Environments, Pete Beckman, Rinku Gupta, Al Geist; CCA contact: David Bernholdt
Booths Presenting CCA Content
- Organization (Booth) Name, Booth Number, CCA Contact
- Ames Laboratory, 181, Masha Sosonkina, Meng-Shiou Wu, Theresa Windus, Mark Gordon
- Argonne National Laboratory, 551, Boyana Norris
- Indiana University, 402, ???
- NNSA ASC, 1617, Sameer Shende and Alan Morris
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 538, David Bernholdt
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 581, ???
- Tech-X Corporation, 190, Sveta Shasharina, Nanbor Wang
- University of Utah, 287, ???
On-Demand Demos
- Description, Contacts, Contributing Organizations, Locations
- your demo, your name, your organizations, some booths
Scheduled Show Floor Presentations and Demos
- Time Day, Booth, Title, Presenter
You are responsible for creation & duplication. We need to know the number of different handouts people want to distribute from the ORNL booth so that we have enough holders for them.