Here's what Ben found works:
- get into (su, ssh) the testing account on your test host.
- gpg --gen-key ; % skip this step if you already use gpg from this account
- gpg --list-keys ; % you should see the key you just generated.
- cd babel/regression/cronjobs
- gpg --import MakeWebCheckKey.asc
- gpg --fingerprint ; % in the output should be the following or very like:
pub 1024D/2CB2BD37 2007-01-23
Key fingerprint = 6135 307F 0F9B 569A D2CD 67C2 C4C9? ADCE 2CB2 BD37
uid Babel Nightly Build (Not high security) <>
sub 2048g/178AC930 2007-01-23