
Building cca-spec-babel

During configure, there are a few errors that occur and have somewhat
cryptic or misleading messages.
checking BOOST smart pointers ...
Using treeReader version of boost headers.
found: src/treeReader
configure: warning: Path specified in --with-babel does not exist.
checking babel... configure: warning:
./configure: line 2271: test: argument expected
configure: error: Get a more modern Babel please (try 0.9.8 or later).

If you see the above in some versions, it means the --with-babel=$babel_installation
switch you gave has an incorrect (probably non-existent) path. Later
versions of the configure script fix this error message to something
more useful.

Created by: baallan last modification: Friday 15 of April, 2005 [17:45:23 UTC] by baallan

The original document is available at