CCARB 2008-05-01

2008 May 1 (Thursday) 10 am Pacific Time


NOTE: The meeting was brief.

  • Gary Kumfert, LLNL (CCARB) (Absent, Epperly sat in.)
  • Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB & WG Lead) mpi:
  • Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB)
  • Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
  • Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, Utah (WG Lead) (absent)
  • David Bernholdt, ORNL (TASCS, PI) (Absent on travel)


  1. Review minutes from prior meetings
  2. Review action items from last meeting
  3. David's proposal for task force resources


  • mpi: nothing to report- waiting on decaf
  • nesting/containers presentation at CCA meeting drew tepid response.
  • Re uniformity of communications we concur on the following:
    • Suggest for consistency with past practice, we call the mailing lists NAME-wg.
    • Do not see a need for internal vs community channels at this time. Open-to-all by default; handle private if/when the need arises.
    • <name> be something short, but descriptive, not a TLA.
    • The same nomenclature be used for web spaces. This is not hard for the present wiki-- just need to get in the habit of making a top NAME-wg page.

Action Items

Suggest to forum (subject to timing) that we commission a new detailed survey paper on the use of SIDL in actual applications. What do the interfaces used by real projects look like? Where can we identify similarities across multiple projects and find reusable code underneath?

Created by: kumfert last modification: Thursday 01 of May, 2008 [18:02:10 UTC] by baallan

The original document is available at