Babel on public machines

Installations of babel on parallel machines.
This page lists known installations of Babel for general use. If you have such an installation, please contribute a pointer to it here. If you are a user seeking to try out babel and don't have an account on the machine of choice, please contact the machine owners for account issues, not us.

NERSC installations (last reported 11/28/05): Babel is available through the 'module' system. 'module avail babel' and 'module help babel/{version}' reveal the details.
For Babel on any of the following, please mail to get the process started.
jacquard: Anticipated but not yet.
davinci: Anticipated but not yet.
pdsf: Not anticipated, but possible.

SDSC installations (last reported 11/28/05): Anticipated, but not yet.

Teragrid installations (last reported 11/28/05):
SDSC Teragrid cluster: Upon request.

ASC installations (last reported 11/28/05):
None reported.

Created by: baallan last modification: Wednesday 30 of November, 2005 [18:21:37 UTC] by baallan

The original document is available at