Creating a new CCA roundup issue tracker
and ultimately become root
. If you don't have this kind of access, ask someone who does.cca-tutorial
) asking them to create an nonlogin user account with the name of your tracker. This account should have the same UID/GID numbers as the babel-bugs
.Become root
. Find the database user name with grep "user =" /var/roundup/trackers/babel/config.ini
show databases
is included below, so you can verify that databasename is not already taken by some other application. Bad things will happen below if a database named databasename already exists. export HOME=~root
mysql -u root
mysql> show databases;
mysql> grant all on databasename.* to username@localhost;
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit
example, the grant line is mysql> grant all on ccatutorial.* to username@localhost;
execute the following on
. # export PATH=/usr/local/python2.4.4/bin:/usr/local/roundup/bin:${PATH}
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/python2.4.4/lib
# roundup-admin install
Enter tracker home: /var/roundup/trackers/trackername
Select template [classic]: classic
Back ends: anydbm, mysql
Select backend [anydbm]: mysql
You should now edit the tracker configuration file:
using a text editor. Make sure to edit the name: name = trackername issue tracker
web =
email = trackername
section, set the database name with name = databasename
user = username
password = password
or some other tracker's config.ini
file. In the [logging]
section, set the filename to ../../log/internal.log
with filename = ../../log/internal.log
level = WARNING
section, set the domain domain =
host = localhost
to /var/roundup/trackers/trackername/
. cp /var/roundup/trackers/bocca/ /var/roundup/trackers/trackername/
# roundup-admin initialise
Enter tracker home: /var/roundup/trackers/trackername
Admin Password: adminpassword
Confirm: adminpassword
Warning: 'TYPE=storage_engine' is deprecated; use 'ENGINE=storage_engine' instead
to /var/roundup/trackers/trackername/detectors/
. # cp /var/roundup/trackers/bocca/detectors/ /var/roundup/trackers/trackername/detectors/
and change the email address in the cl.send_message
function to one appropriate for the new tracker.
directory. Normally, I edit style.css
, page.html
, and issue.item.html
. You may want to copy cca_logo.png
and/or cca-logo-trans-180.gif
from /var/roundup/trackers/bocca/html/
. It may also be useful for you to compare the default files with those in the bocca
tracker # diff -r /var/roundup/trackers/bocca/html /var/roundup/trackers/trackername/html
and execute the following chown and chmod commands. # cd /var/roundup/trackers/trackername
# chgrp -R babel-bugs .
# chmod -R go-w .
# chmod -R g+wX db
# chmod -f g+s db db/files db/files/*
. Find the line with trackers=
followed by a space separated list of trackername=trackerdirectory
definitions. For example, trackers='babel=/var/roundup/trackers/babel ccafe=/var/roundup/trackers/ccafe'
. Once you save this file, the cronjob that brings in email will start checking for mail to trackername. If you want weekly reminders about unassigned issue sent to a particular address, add an entry to the unassignedreminders
variable defined in /etc/default/roundup
. Each entry is trackername=emailaddress
# /etc/init.d/roundup restart
. You can login to the tracker with username admin
and the password adminpassword used above.
if you want. Don't create any issues yet.
. There are several lines in a section labeled # Roundup related
. Add an analogous line for your tracker trackername
and it's subdirectories are writable by either group babel-bugs or by user babel-bugs. The Roundup server runs as user babel-bugs/group babel-bugs, so it must be able to run in this area.
, some jobs in the babel-bugs
crontab already have started executing on your tracker. Every three minutes, /usr/local/roundup/bin/roundup-email
processes incoming email to all the trackers, and /usr/local/roundup/bin/roundup-remind-all
runs weekly to remind people about unresolved issues that have been assigned to them. You may want to look at babel-bugs
crontab to look at the other available things that you can run on the new tracker. # crontab -u babel-bugs -l
# crontab -u babel-bugs -e
Created by: tepperly last modification: Friday 31 of August, 2007 [17:02:43 UTC] by tepperly
The original document is available at