CCA Tutorial

2010-08-20 at the Eleventh Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software (ACTS) Collection

On 2010-08-20, we presented a tutorial at the ACTS Workshop, including a 90 minutes of lecture material and a 90 minute hands-on portion.

The PDF versions of the lecture slides include additional slides with supplementary material expanding on some of the points covered in the lecture.

This tutorial (the whole ACTS Collection Workshop) made use of a live DVD Linux distribution put together by ParaTools, Inc. The ISO image ([ParaTools original] [CCA Forum copy]) includes the CCA tools and the tutorial, all pre-built, installed and ready to run. The Hands-On Guide and the lecture notes are also on the image. You are strongly encouraged to check the ParaTools live DVD page for updated versions.

This archive is for historical purposes only. See the CCA tutorials home page to obtain the latest CCA tutorial materials.

To build the version of the CCA tools archived here, download only the installer. Unpack it, run cca-tools-installer/ --configure, and then cca-tools-installer/ The installer will download the rest of the tool packages as needed.

Title Presenter Files Base File Name
Lecture slides David Bernholdt, Dietmar Ebner, Wael Elwasif ppt pdf notes
Hands-On Guide [PDF] pdf guide-0.7.1-0
Hands-On Guide [HTML] tar.gz guide-html-0.7.1-0
Tutorial source code   tar.gz tutorial-src-0.7.1-0
CCA Tools Installer   tar.gz cca-tools-installer
CCA Tools [for archival purposes only] tar.gz cca-tools-acts10

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