CCA Tutorial2002-09-06 at the ACTS Collection WorkshopOn 2002-09-06 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, we presented a modified version of our 6-hour "full day" tutorial in conjunction with the ACTS Collection Workshop. We appreciate the efforts of Tony Drummond and Osni Marques in hosting this tutorial! The first four presentations were given jointly to the Workshop participants and additional people who came specifically for the CCA tutorial. The remainder of the tutorial was presented to a smaller group specifically interested in the CCA while the ACTS workshop continued in parallel. To accomodate this, we rearranged the talks somewhat from what you might see in other versions of the tutorial. PDF files are 2-up handout versions, rendered in color. See the CCA software page for to obtain the latest version of the example software referenced in this tutorial as well as other CCA tools and components.
Your feedback is appreciated. Please email tutorial-wg@cca-forum.org with questions or comments. |
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