CCA Tutorial

2001-12-17 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and
2002-01-09 at the CCA Forum Winter Meeting

This is the earliest version of what evolved into the CCA tutorial. It is actually more like a talk, and was accompanied by a more or less un-structured walk through live code (from the SC01 demos) using editor and xterms. It was presented on 2001-12-17 at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and on 2002-01-09, prior to the CCA Forum Winter Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

In Santa Fe, Scott Kohn was drafted to give an off-the-cuff presentation on Babel and Craig Rasmussen also gave an early version of the general "Introduction to Components" talk, but we don't have those slides available.

Title Presenter Files Base File Name
Introduction to the Common Component Architecture David Bernholdt, ORNL ppt pdf cca-intro-v2

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