CCA Tutorial
2001-12-17 at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and
2002-01-09 at the CCA Forum Winter Meeting
This is the earliest version of what evolved into the CCA tutorial.
It is actually more like a talk, and was accompanied by a more or less
un-structured walk through live code (from the SC01 demos) using
editor and xterms. It was presented on 2001-12-17 at the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, and on 2002-01-09, prior to the CCA
Forum Winter Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In Santa Fe, Scott Kohn was drafted to give an off-the-cuff
presentation on Babel and Craig Rasmussen also gave an early version
of the general "Introduction to Components" talk, but we don't have
those slides available.
Title |
Presenter |
Files |
Base File Name |
Introduction to the Common Component Architecture |
David Bernholdt, ORNL |
ppt pdf |
cca-intro-v2 |
Your feedback is appreciated. Please email tutorial-wg@cca-forum.org with questions or